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Writer's picturePrakhar Gupta

Quitting Tea & Coffee? Know the Benefits

That morning cup of Tea/Coffee is certainly a favorite Indian Routine, but quitting caffeine may actually do more to wake you up and improve your performance.

Caffeine is a serious addiction.

It was only few years back when the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders considered caffeine intoxication and withdrawal as a diagnosis for mental disorders implying that people under caffeine intoxication or withdrawal may experience symptoms similar to signs of other mental disorders. While further research is warranted to establish the connection in its entirety, caffeine withdrawal is very much a thing of reality. "One reason why caffeine is so popular is because of its stimulating effects. Research shows that those who have never had caffeine actually stay more alert than people who are habituated," Dr. Michael Miller shares in a video published on Harvard Health Publications' website.

Is it easy to withdraw caffeine?

Usually people experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms within a day of stopping or reducing their caffeine intake, some of which would include the following:

  • Splitting headaches

  • Difficulty in sleeping or insomnia

  • Feeling fatigued and drowsy

  • Lack of attention and focus

  • Irritability

  • Mood swings

  • Symptoms similar to flu

  • Depression

  • Muscle cramps or pain

  • Nausea

How to avoid caffeine dependence?

  • Do not make it a habit, avoid consuming it daily or consume in irregular intervals

  • Also try decaffeinated versions

  • Alternating between tea and coffee may help

  • Monitor your overall caffeine intake that may stem from other caffeinated drinks, chocolates, medication, etc.

Benefits of quitting Caffeine

  • Lowered Anxiety Caffeine gives you a jolt of energy, but sometimes that jolt can mirror the symptoms of anxiety: jittery nervousness, heart palpitations, even feelings of panic. That’s your “fight or flight” response taking over. The less you take in, the less you trigger that response and the anxiety that comes with it.

  • Better Sleep Caffeine is a common choice for burning the midnight oil because it boosts alertness. So it makes sense that cutting it out makes for better ZZZs. In fact, if you throw back a caffeine drink even as many as 6 hours before bedtime, it can still bother your sleep.

  • Fewer Bathroom Breaks Caffeine can act like a laxative. This makes you need to go more -- and more often than not, what comes out is loose stools. If you scale back on coffee especially, it can cut down on trips to the loo and take your output back to normal. And you save water too!!

  • Slower Skin Aging Caffeine slows down the rate at which your body makes collagen. This is a protein that gives your skin its tightness and elasticity. Once it drops, your skin starts to sag, and wrinkles appear. You make it more slowly as you age. So if you get rid of caffeine, it can help keep that aging process from speeding up. One can at least look young even if they are grandparents from inside.

  • Dodging Dependence Just like drugs, caffeine alters the chemistry of your brain if you take it in regularly over time. You can become dependent on it, too, and need more and more after a while just to feel the effects. 

  • Better Nutrient Absorption Large amounts of caffeine keep your body from taking in vitamins and minerals as it should. In fact, if you take a multivitamin with your morning cup of coffee, the caffeine could keep you from getting the benefits.

  • Stronger, Whiter Teeth Coffee, soda, and tea are three of the most common caffeine delivery vehicles. All can stain your teeth with their acidity and color. Their caffeine also dries out your mouth. Saliva is a prime defense against bacteria, so the less you have, the higher the risk of tooth decay. (No racist comments please).

  • Lower Blood Pressure Blood pressure spikes when you drink caffeine. Researchers think it might also keep your arteries from staying as wide as they should for healthy blood pressure. If you cut caffeine, you skip this blood pressure bump and potential complications along with it.

Green Tea and Decaf is not the solution.

Will write a post on how to leave this addiction. Subscribe to get updates.


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